If you are experiencing performance issues with your electronic cigarette, here is a list of standard troubleshooting steps to resolve the most common issues. ProSmoke tests every single peice of equipment that is ordered prior to shipping to the customer and due to our stringent process, we have less than a 1% defective rate. Typically most issues are due to improper usage or something simple.
Please ensure you have thoroughly read the users manual before getting started and check these troubleshooting steps if you are still having issues.
1. Please replace the blank cartridge the unit that it is shipped with and installed a new cartridge from the package.
2. Please fully charge both batteries, as instructed in the manual (An 8 hour initial charge is required to fully prime both batteries; Subsequent charges only take an hour or so).
3. Check the unit for obstruction in the atomizer such as pocket lint or particles that might cause a drop in performance. Please ensure the plastic cork is removed from the cartridge before placing onto the atomizer.
4. Rotate the new cartridge after it is placed on the atomizer, this can ensure it is getting good contact.. Like any e-cig manufacturer, we do not recommend taking it off until the cartridge is fully used since the wick that holds the solution can dislodge if removed too early. If you still need to remove it, please do so carefully so it does not ruin the cartridge.
5. Please ensure the cartridge is properly contacting the atomizer. To do this, you can find a paper-clip and gently place the end into the inhalation hole (The small one) and very gently press and move the internal reservoir forward slightly (1 mm or barely at all). Since our cartridges our such high capacity, some users have inadvertently pressed the cartridge contents back when troubleshooting their unit. Please ensure you do this gently and only slightly forward. Once the contents make contact with the atomizer, you will not have to do this again.
6. Please ensure you have tried more than one cartridge on your e-cigarette. Although it is very rare to see an under-filled or dry cartridge, opening and trying a second cartridge will ensure it is not the cartridge causing performance issues.
7. Please make sure there is no obstruction on the battery connection that might cause it to not have full contact.
8. Lightly tap the LED end of the battery on a desk to dislodge anything that could be obstructing it the connection.
9. If this still has not resolved it, and only if necessary, disassemble the unit completely (unscrew battery and atomizer and remove the cartridge from the atomizer) . Then run your atomizer under lukewarm water and give it a brisk blow to dislodge any obstruction and let air dry completely (This can take up to 4 hours to dry). Sometimes during cartridge changes, you can unintentionally get some blockage in the atomizer. This typically solves most performance issues with the atomizer and can also be done to rinse previous flavors off the atomizer.
If you continue to have issues, please contact customer support via the website here.
thanks iam now try ing to get it wright, the right way ty