How do I properly use an e-cigarette and vaporizer?
Author: ProSmoke Electronic Cigarettes Views: 1044060 Created: 10/30/2016 12:33 pm |
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Figuring out e-cigarettes can be difficult for a new user. When you are so used to smoking a paper wrapped tobacco cigarette, with a filter, you can often get frustrated when trying your first e-cigarette. Many people actually get discouraged to the point that they go back to traditional cigarettes. We have asked around and done some research and have some tips for those that are new to e-cigs and just can't understand why vaping an e-cig is different than smoking a cigarette.
So you pick up your e-cigarette and it sure looks like a cigarette so why wouldn't you smoke it like one? Right? Well, no, wrong. They are made to look like cigarettes for the mental comfort of "having a cigarette in your hand" but the components are different so therefore they need to be smoked/vaped differently. One is paper with a filter, tobacco and a flame; the other is a lithium-ion battery that heats liquid nicotine and forms a vapor. If you find yourself smoking your e-cigarette the way you smoke a traditional cigarette, you are doing something wrong. As a matter of fact, if you vape your e-cig as you smoke your cigarette you will find yourself with a sore throat, sore lungs, an incessant cough and irritation in your mouth and throat.
So how do you actually inhale an e-cigarette then? Follow some basic steps and you will be well on your way to a happy vaping experience:
1. Do not draw the vapor directly into your lungs as you would a cigarette. Instead, draw it into your mouth (use your cheeks as a vacuum) and then inhale into your lungs if desired.
2. After drawing the vapor into your mouth, hold it there for a few seconds before either inhaling into the lungs or exhaling through your mouth or nose.
3. When drawing the vapor into your mouth, make sure you do so slow and steady. Pulling hard as you would on a cigarette actually causes the heater coil to malfunction. The heater coil works when the air is gently drawn across it. Pulling hard will also cause the liquid to be drawn directly into your mouth - a very unpleasant experience indeed.
4. Nicotine can only penetrate by inhalation into the lungs on a traditional cigarette. However, with an e-cigarette, it absorbs through mucous membranes in the mouth, lungs, and nose. If you do not inhale into the mouth first, then into the lungs and then out the nose, the nicotine absorption is much less and you will not have a satisfying experience.
5. The "effects" that a smoker is looking for is typically delivered in under 8 seconds with a traditional cigarette. Due to the mucous membrane absorption, e-cigarettes can take up to 30 seconds to take effect. This is often a frustration for new vapers, but when understood, can be adapted to.
Using this longer, but slower and less deep, inhalation method should cause your e-cig to last you up to2 packs of cigarettes. The longer you inhale, the shorter the lifespan of the cartridge.
Source: E-Cigarette Forum
To check out our electronic cigarette starter kits, please click here.
WARNING: This product is intended for use by persons 18 or older, and not by children, women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, or persons with or at risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, or taking medicine for depression or asthma. If you have a demonstrated allergy or sensitivity to nicotine or any combination of inhalants, consult your physician before using this product. This product is sold purely for recreational purposes - it is not a smoking cessation product and has not been tested as such. You must be over the legal age in your state to buy or use this product.
Nicotine is highly addictive and habit forming. Keep out of reach of children. This product contains Nicotine, a chemical known to the state of California (Proposition 65) to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm.
No statements made on this site have been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease
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